

It's after dinner.  I am wearing sweatpants, sitting on the bed, with one hand in a bag of chocolate covered rice crackers, my phone in the other hand scrolling through pictures on Instagram.  "James, I think this girl's pretty," I show him the picture of a Japanese actress.

"Wow...She's creepy. She's scary.  Like she's old.  But then she's super young.  Like, who is she?  I don't even know what's going on with her."

[I laugh for 5 minutes straight]

I love that James' responses are always so honest and there are so many words that come out of his mouth.

Oh, and here's the picture, in case you're curious:

Thoughts on Oregon

"Oregon has become my new favorite past-time.  The country of Oregon is ludicrous.  Just ludicrous.  Its ludicrously must be studied." - James, after reading to me out loud this article


Pasta Cutter

This is a bit of a throwback.  

My dear friend Laurel documented this moment on paper/computer one evening way back in September, when Laurel, James and I hung out on her couch and smoked together.  Aaand, it's Laurel's birthday!  Happy Birthday Laurel!!!

James: Remember when you were playing the copyness game and i got really scared?
Amy: Yea you got scared and hid in the couch
James: Yea because i thought you were me.
Laurel: Wait..what? 
James: I thought Amy was me
Laurel: Are you serious? You thought that was really happening?
James: Well I was high.
Laurel: Ok i was little nervous for a second. That wouldn’t have made any sense.
James: Remember you would be really hard on yourself when you recognized you were scaring me?
Amy: Yep
James: You would tell me how badly you felt. You were really hard on yourself. We talked about that last night
Amy and James: (Proceed to stare into each other’s eyes)
Laurel: (Looks back and forth with a confused face thinking “what the fuck is going on?”)
Amy: (Blinks) 
James: (laughter. louder laughter. explosive laughter…not congruent to the context of this situation)
James: We were just having a serious moment and then you cut it off with your eyes
Laurel: (Continues to look super confused. Almost so uncomfortable that she wishes that she could suddenly disappear without them noticing.)
Amy: I had to cut it off like a pasta cutter.
James: (Explosive laughter continues.) You just said pasta cutter!
Amy: Yeah it makes sense. (blinks) it cuts it like this.
Laurel: Finally catches eyes with Amy. Laurel says “That was extremely ridiculous. And super awkward for way too long.”
Amy and James laugh again. like they synchronized it.
Laurel: I’m serious. I didn’t know how long that would last. I kept wondering “Do they know that I’m sitting here? Like…right fucking here.” 
Amy and James: Laughter. then silence.