
How Our Dates End

When I was a single gal, the end of the date always held some potential.  Usually there was some sort of expectation, anticipation of ending the night on a great note...like, maybe continuing the date after being invited into his house and having a glass of wine and some conversation, etc. etc...and sometimes etc.

When James and I go out together, I have SO. MUCH. FUN.  We actually have so much fun to the point of exhaustion--the second we get home, sometimes one of us quietly creeps upstairs (while the other scours the fridge for snackz), and just passes out.  Full of snacks and awake, one makes his/her way upstairs, only to find a body mass that has collapsed, lights on, with evidence that there was a real struggle to make it into 'jammies but it just didn't happen.

It makes me laugh so hard that some of our dates end this way.  And it's awesome.

Spotted!  James-creature seems to have passed out.  

There's about thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much bed and he seems to be on 5% of the bed surface area.

He's practically falling off the bed.  At this point, I'm just impressed.  And look, he got his belt off, but it seemed to have used up the last ounce of energy he had left.  Daw.

There's more after the jump below...

I have also fallen victim to the curse of exhaustion.  One Saturday morning, I found these photos on my phone...

Oh.  Oh jeez.  Hey, I guess I managed to get my pants off at least...

Apparently my sleeping position of choice was the crucifix position. 

My subconscious is clearly communicating to James that the entire bed is my territory.  BACK OFF JAMES!!!

Didn't you know? Really, it's very comfortable to sleep with headphones and highlighters on the bed.

Now back to James.  I even got some video one time.  Muhahaha.

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