
Ginger Baby

I'm preparing dinner.  I'm grating ginger.

James: "I feel like our first baby is going to look like that."
Me: "Uh...ginger?"
James: "Yeah! You know, like a ginger baby?"
Me (and Mahal who is standing nearby): "Umm, okay..."
James: "I'm serious!  Just google on ginger images.."
Me: "HAHAHAHA!! Ginger images? Is that like google images for ginger only?"

[hilarity ensues.]
[normally this joke would probably end here.]

James: "Can I see your phone?"
Me: "Yeah, it's right here."
James, typing: "Gi-n-g-er...b-aa-b-y..."
Me: "Are you seriously looking up 'ginger baby'?"

If you're curious about what my first born will look like, follow the jump...

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